
Hi, I’m Halie! Thanks for checking out my site. I’m a passionate outdoorswoman, and casual blogger/content creator currently residing in Missoula, Montana.

I spend as much time as possible on the water or in the mountains. Fly fishing (from chasing alpine trout in the summer to swinging flies for winter steelhead!), backpacking, packrafting, hiking, and camping are a few of my favorite pursuits and dominate the topics on this site. I’m also dabbling as a newer skier and alpine climber which has been… humbling. Further, I’m passionate about conservation because I believe the aforementioned activities depend on it, so this is a common topic in my content.

I grew up in southwest Missouri, and have also lived in Washington State and Utah, where I worked as a park ranger at Canyonlands and Arches National Parks. My current “day job” is in the field of environmental compliance.

During my adventures, I’m usually accompanied by my two rescue dogs, Lennie and Ted, and my fiancé, Cole.

Cole is a talented photographer and he’s behind many of the photos shared on my site (check out his photography webpage, or find him on Instagram: @cole.leishman). Cole is from Washington State and was a fly fishing guide there when I met him. He’s now a marketing manager specializing in outdoor tour operations. He’s also the best adventure partner I could ask for.

Since many folks are probably just here for the dogs, I suppose I should introduce them, too: Lennie and Teddy are both nine year old rescue mutts. I found Lennie on the side of the road in rural Missouri. I suspected she’d been dumped because she was confused and in rough physical shape. Cole adopted Teddy from a rescue in Seattle when he was a small puppy. His litter came from Yakima, Washington. When I met Cole, I had Lennie and he had Ted, and they were both four years old.

Teddy is the quirkiest dog I’ve ever met (and that’s saying a lot because I grew up showing, training, and rescuing dogs). He’s incredibly intelligent and biddable but equally neurotic. He’s more obsessed with fish than we are. His DNA test said he’s a mix of 19 breeds, including husky and chihuahua. Lennie is sweet, derpy and happy. She always seems to unwittingly get into something. We believe she’s mostly a mix of lab and pit bull.

While I’m passionate about the topics discussed on this site, I’m not an expert on any of them. I intend to be very honest about that and always keep my content “real.” I’ll always have more to learn and don’t take myself too seriously. However, I do love to share the things I learn and experiences I’ve had. I want others to have the same opportunities to safely and responsibly get outdoors. Further, I don’t think someone has to be an “expert” in their niche to create valuable, relatable and/or informational content.

If it sounds like we have interests in common, please follow along! Or, if you’re interested in collaborating, reach out: